Why are Premium Truffles the product for you?

Our passion is your pleasure.
How to transfer passion, hobby, and talent into the brand by founding Premium Truffles d.o.o. is demonstrated by Paulo Lakošeljac. Premium Truffles Company d.o.o. offers sale and distribution of Istrian truffles, which of course includes their hunting, which was the main motive for the establishment of the company. Today, Premium truffles are sold and served in many Croatian restaurants, as well as in hotels and Metro distribution centres. They can be found in best restaurants across Europe: in Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Norway, Denmark…

The real hunt began in 1991 when Lucian’s grandson Paulo joined the hunt. As a 5-year-old boy, Paulo showed a strong knowledge and passion for truffle-related activities. Step by step, Paulo absorbed all the knowledge that an experienced grandpa taught him over the years and surpassed Luciano in hunting and dog training.
Luciano and Paulo shared the same passion, but also special love that only grandchildren and grandparents know. The best gift a grandpa gave to his grandson was Bobica (Berry), a dog specially trained for Paulo and with whom Paulo met every corner of the Istrian forests.

This truffle is spherical, often flattened and irregular in shape, pale yellow or sometimes ocher in colour, covered with red spots, never grey, smooth or slightly warty. Its gleba, covered with numerous, very intensely branched white veins, varies from a milky to an intense pink. Spores are alveolar.
It can be found only in late summer, autumn and early winter at the base of oak, willow, poplar and linden trees in areas with significant humidity levels and in summer. Due to its specific taste and aroma, it is widely recognized and proclaimed culinary king. It is consumed raw.
Usually spherical or slightly round in shape with black surface transversely covered with pyramidal, clearly visible warts. The truffle, which is always in light shades of red, is covered with numerous white veins. Its spores are alveolar. It is one of the most common truffles – except for a short spring break, it can be found throughout the year in large quantities at the base of oak, hazelnut, poplar, beech, and pine trees. Its species Uncinatum Fischer (Tuber uncinatum Chatin) is highly regarded. Its aroma is light, slightly earthy, aromatic and pleasant. Since it can be found in large quantities, it never reaches the price of the very expensive Tuber Melanosporum.

Usually spherical or slightly round in shape with a black, dark surface, covered with very flattened and well-visible warts that are recessed and longitudinally channelled at the top. The truffle is black or greyish with broad white veins. The spores are needle-like. Its size usually exceeds that of a chicken egg.
It can be found in the fall and early winter at the base of oak and hazel trees. Its aroma and taste are more or less intense, but pleasant (especially a variety called Moschatum Ferry) so it is normally consumed although not appreciated as is the case with the Tuber melanosporum by which it is sometimes replaced.
Ball-shaped, sometimes divided into lobes, thick-black in colour, with surface covered with flattened warts, which are recessed and longitudinally channelled at the top. The truffle is dark grey or red-black, covered with light, thin and branched patterns. Its spores are needle-like.
It is hunted throughout the winter, and especially in the first months of the year, at the base of oak, hazel, and black hornbeam trees. Due to its specific taste and aromatic aroma, it is highly respected in the culinary arts and is considered by the French to be the best and therefore the most prized among black truffles. It is advisable to consume it cooked for short time.

Ovaj je tartuf kuglasta, često spljoštena i nepravilna oblika, blijedožute ili ponekad oker boje prekriven crveno zagasitim mrljama, nikada siv, gladak ili lagano bradavičast. Grumen je prekriven brojnim, vrlo razgranatim bijelim šarama te poprima nijanse u rasponu od boje mlijeka do intenzivne ružičaste boje. Spore su mu alveolarne.
Moguće ga je pronaći tek u kasno ljeto, jesen i početkom zime u podnožju hrasta, vrbe, topole, lipe na područjima sa značajnom razinom vlažnosti i u ljetnom periodu. Zbog specifičnog okusa i mirisa cijenjen je u cijelome svijetu i proglašen kulinarskim kraljem. Konzumira se sirov.

Obično kuglasta ili lagano okrugla oblika, crne površine poprečno prekrivene piramidastim, dobro vidljivim bradavicama. Grumen koji je uvijek svijetlih nijansi crvene boje prekriven je brojnim venama bijele boje. Spore su mu alveolarne.
Predstavlja jedan od najčešćih tartufa – osim kratke proljetne pauze, moguće ga je pronaći tijekom cijele godine i to u velikim količinama u podnožju hrasta, lješnjaka, topola, bukvi i borova. Njegova vrsta Uncinatum Fischer (Tuber uncinatum Chatin) veoma je cijenjena.
Njegov miris je lagan, pomalo zemljan, aromatičan i ugodan. S obzirom na to da ga ima u velikim količinama nikad ne dostiže cijenu veoma skupocjenog Tuber Melanosporuma.

Obično kuglasta ili lagano okrugla oblika, crne i tamno željezite površine, prekriven vrlo spljoštenim i dobro vidljivim bradavicama koje su na vrhu udubljene i uzdužno kanalaste. Grumen je zagasito crne ili sivocrne boje sa širokim bijelim venama. Spore su igličaste. Njegova veličina obično prelazi veličinu kokošjeg jaja.
Može ga se pronaći u jesen i početkom zime u podnožju stabala hrasta i lješnjaka. Miris i okus su mu više-manje intenzivni, ali ugodni (posebno njegova vrsta Moschatum Ferry) tako da se normalno konzumira iako nije cijenjen kao što je to slučaj s Tuber melanosporumom s kojim ponekad biva zamijenjen.

Kuglasta oblika, ponekad podijeljen na režnjeve, zagasito-crne boje, površina mu je prekrivena spljoštenim bradavicama koje su na vrhu udubljene i uzdužno kanalaste. Grumen je zagasito sive ili crveno crne boje, prekriven svijetlim, tankim i vrlo razgranatim šarama. Spore su mu igličaste.
Sakuplja se tijekom cijele zime, a posebno u prvim mjesecima u godini, u podnožju stabala hrasta, lješnjaka i crnog graba. Radi specifičnog okusa i aromatičnog mirisa vrlo je cijenjen u kulinarstvu, a Francuzi ga smatraju najboljim i stoga najcjenjenijim među crnim tartufom. Preporučljivo ga je konzumirati nakon kratkog kuhanja.

Dozens of different products are made from truffles, but we chose only the best ones.
You can see all the products we offer under “Products”, but if you have questions or want to send an inquiry about a product that we don’t have yet, feel free to contact us via our contact form.